Erin's Redemption Read online

Page 8

  “Who are you?” Erin asked, stopping a few feet away from the man.

  “My name is Gavin MacDryw,” he answered. “And you’re Erin Holmes, I presume.”

  Her senses fought against the tugging on her mind. “How do you know my name?”

  “Your friend, Dani O’Brien, has been worried sick about you. I came to collect you.”

  “Dani’s with you? What about my other friends?” Her heart pounded with fear. If anything had happened to any of them…

  “Listen.” He took a deep breath. “There isn’t a lot of time. I’m in vampire territory talking to the leader’s Eternal Love. That alone is dangerous, and taking you away could be the stupidest thing I’ve ever done. We’re already at war, but I couldn’t deny Dani. She needs to see you. She needs to know that you’re okay. Please.” He held out his hand. “Come with me, and I’ll bring you back before Mikael and Elijah even realize you’re gone.”

  Erin’s mind rebelled. She didn’t know this man or his motives for being there to begin with. What if it were a trick to lure her away from Mikael and Elijah? But Dani was out there somewhere, maybe alone or hurt.

  A gentle, insistent pull drew her forward. She laid her palm against his. “If something happens to me, they will find you. And if Dani is hurt, I’ll kill you myself.”

  Gavin gave her hand a soft squeeze. “The fact that she cares so much for you is the only reason I’m here.” He opened the back door to his car and stepped back, allowing her room to pass.

  Erin hesitated for a second before sliding inside. Once the door closed, she buckled up. He didn’t waste any time. Gavin climbed into the driver’s seat, started the engine, and took off. He seemed to relax his rigid posture as they pulled away from the curb. He glanced up into the rearview mirror with a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes.

  “How did you find me?” Erin asked. She hadn’t known where her friends were, so how did this man find her? “How did you know I was here?”

  “I found Dani in the cemetery, the same way the vampires found you, I would assume. When I went to the hotel to collect her things, I ran into Elijah. He was coming out of the room across the hall. I figured you must be here with them,” Gavin easily explained.

  “Why it is dangerous for you to be in vampire territory?” Erin asked. She had so many damn questions.

  “The vampires aren’t too fond of other paranormals inside New Orleans. Mikael, Elijah, Sarah, and some of the others have been alive for centuries. I’m trespassing.”

  “So you’re paranormal? Care to elaborate?” She wondered if perhaps he was a demon, or some kind of shifter.

  “Use your senses. You’re a vampire now. I’m sure you can figure it out.”

  Erin inhaled deeply, sifting through the different aromas. She assumed that demons would smell like sulfur and shifters like the outdoors, but Gavin exuded a sweet scent—sugary sweet.

  “I don’t know.”

  “Don’t worry about it. You’re still new. That’s why I was able to lure you outside.”

  “So, that was you in my head?” Unease washed through her anew.

  “I’m a mage, which is a magic-user. I was able to manipulate your mind. Over time, you’ll become stronger, more powerful, and eventually, immune to the invasions.”

  “You manipulated my mind?” Anger sparked at his blatant disregard of her privacy.

  “I apologize for my unwelcome intrusion, but Dani needs you, and I’m hoping that once she sees you, she’ll be calmer. She’s damn near in a state of hysterics.”

  “You care about her.” It wasn’t a question. He raised his gaze to the mirror once again, and she saw the truth. Something silent passed between them, and Erin relaxed. “I’m glad you found her in the cemetery. I was sick for a long time. When Mikael located me, I was close to death. Mikael and Elijah brought me over in order to save my life.”

  “Dani said you were ill. She’s been out of her mind with worry.”

  “I’m not sure how she’ll react when she sees me. I’m not the same woman I was a couple days ago. I’m hoping my appearance doesn’t frighten her. Dani doesn’t do too well with change, as I’m sure you’ve figured out.”

  Gavin chuckled lightly and Erin smiled. She could imagine what Dani was putting this man through. She was a unique soul.

  The car suddenly came to a stop in front of a white two-story house with columns and a wraparound porch on the lower level. Beautiful plants and trees surrounded the home, a protective maze, like the arms of a mother shielding her child. It would be difficult to see from the road, Erin thought as she opened her door and climbed out.

  A strange sensation poured through her. Warmth and energy combined. It was soft, yet powerful and unyielding. The hair on her arms stood on end as it seemed to wrap around her like a living, breathing thing.

  “It’s okay. You’re feeling the magical field around the property. It’s a protection spell alerting us of other paranormals. You’re safe here. No harm will come to you here. You have my word.”

  She believed him. With a slight nod, she followed him up the grand steps. Rustic and homey were the two words that came to mind as she stepped inside the beautiful house. It was nothing like the home where the vampires resided.

  Gavin watched her closely as he preceded her into the next room. Erin suspected he didn’t trust her as much as she didn’t trust him. She couldn’t blame him really. He’d invited a vampire into his private dwelling. Erin’s eyes swept through each room—twelve-foot ceilings, modest light fixtures, antique furniture, and different art pieces. It became obvious the deeper into the house she went, the man had money—and not just common wealth, but old money that probably went back for centuries.

  When they reached the kitchen, Dani slowly stood up from her seat at the table.

  “Erin? Oh my God…what happened to you? Your hair…everything…is different. You—you’re different.” Awe shone from her friend’s eyes, and something else Erin couldn’t name.

  Gavin appeared and wrapped his arms around Dani’s waist before she took a step forward. It stung Erin to realize he was protecting Dani from her, but she couldn’t blame him. A grudging respect for the man bloomed. She was, after all, a vampire, and obviously an enemy of the magic-users.

  “I had cancer, Dani. I wasn’t expected to live. This trip…I was planning to say good-bye to you all. When we were at the cemetery, a vampire found me and…” Erin looked down at herself. “And, well…”

  “You’re a vampire.” It was a statement rather than a question, leading Erin to believe that Dani knew about paranormals.

  “Yeah.” Erin smiled. She wasn’t ashamed of what she was. Mikael and Elijah saved her life. She would be forever grateful to them. “I’m happy and healthy.”

  “Good.” Dani smiled, disconnecting herself from Gavin’s side, and strode toward Erin. “I’m so glad you’re okay.” The two embraced, and Erin relaxed into her friend’s comforting arms. “Would you like some coffee?” Dani asked, escorting Erin to the kitchen table.

  Erin’s stomach lurched. The idea of coffee was appalling, and she wanted to shrink back from it. She lied. “Sure, I’d love some.”

  “You’ve already met Gavin, but let me introduce you to Maddoc, the other hovering man.” Dani chuckled lightly.

  Erin glanced at the man known as Maddoc. The resemblance to Gavin was remarkable, if not a bit scary. The look of contempt he shot her way wasn’t lost on her. “It’s okay. They’re just worried about you.”

  Pulling out one of the wooden kitchen chairs, Erin sat down and made herself comfortable. Dani joined her at the table, flanked by the twins.

  They talked for a while, Erin telling Dani all about Mikael and Elijah. It was nice to be able to recite everything that had happened and just to be in Dani’s company once again, even if the two shadows were hovering. As she spoke, Erin’s eyes kept dropping to Dani’s neck to the vein pulsing, calling to her in a song older than time.

  Her fangs lengthened and her
stomach cramped with a hunger so strong it nearly stole her breath. She cleared her throat, forcing her gaze elsewhere, anywhere but on that blue, throbbing source of heaven across the table from her.

  Mikael had warned her that she would need to feed often. She tightened her mouth and lifted the coffee mug close to her nose, but the scent of blood was too powerful. Feed…feed…feed. The insistent words played through her mind, pushing out all rational thought. The mug crashed to the table in slow motion as Erin’s body sprang toward Dani against her will. As long as she lived, she’d never forget the horror in her friend’s eyes, or the frightened gasp that left her lips as Erin flew in her direction.

  Gavin was on her before she made contact, forcing her to the ground. Erin fought with everything she had, even as her mind rebelled against what she’d done. She thrashed around underneath him to no avail until the feeling passed and the fight left her.

  “Do you have control over yourself?” Gavin asked, and Erin nodded. “I’m going to let you up. Maddoc has already taken Dani out of the kitchen. It’s time for you to go home.”

  Tears burned the back of Erin’s eyes. She didn’t speak. Instead, she merely nodded once more. The tight hold Gavin had on her wrists loosened as the man slowly moved and helped her to her feet.

  “She knows you would never intentionally hurt her,” Gavin told her gently.

  Shaken to the core, Erin ran out of the kitchen and burst out into the night.

  She ran back to the coven as fast as her legs would carry her. She’d nearly killed her best friend. Luckily, Gavin had been there to stop her. Otherwise, she’d be drinking Dani’s blood. Just the thought made her cringe.

  Chapter 13

  Erin ran, tears streaming down her cheeks. What kind of monster was she? How could she go after her own friend? She’d wanted to bite and feed from Dani. A loud sob was pulled from her throat, just thinking of the trauma she’d caused her friend. With one arm wrapped around her mid-section, Erin tried to hold the hunger at bay, as cramps wracked her body. Since becoming a vampire, she’d accepted her new status. But after trying to feed on her friend, Erin wasn’t sure she wanted to be a vampire after all.

  Her bare feet slapped against the concrete, creating a rhythm, in the early morning hours. Luckily she’d been paying attention as Gavin drove from the coven, otherwise, she’d be completely lost. Erin maneuvered her way down the streets, passing homes and street lamps that were still on in the early morning hours. Her heart was steady and she wasn’t tiring. Pumping her arms, Erin moved faster than she’d ever moved. She ran through low clouds, and with her advanced eyesight, she watched them part, allowing her entrance.

  The moment was surreal. It was as if she were moving in slow motion, when in reality she was faster than any human being could. The morning light guided her home and when the house came into view, she breathed a sigh of relief. Erin stopped in front of the coven. She stood outside the estate for a moment, just admiring the beauty. Wiping her face, Erin tried to remove the tears. She’d never allowed herself to be a victim—not when she had a brain tumor, not when the doctors said she was dying of cancer, and certainly not when she was turned into a vampire.

  Taking deep, cleansing breathes, Erin closed her eyes.

  What am I going to do? My whole life has changed and it’s time to figure out where I go from here. Do I stay inside and lock the doors and windows? Should I ask Mikael and Elijah to imprison me? Am I a danger to friends and the rest of society?

  Tears filled her eyes once more, streaming down her face. Erin did her best to change her morose thoughts. She didn’t want to think negatively, but thoughts of Dani pushed their way into her mind. She could see her friend’s face clearly, the look of shock morphing into horror right before Gavin tackled her to the ground.

  Shaking her head, Erin kept walking. She needed the fresh air to get her head screwed on right. Being a vampire was completely new to her. She was faster and stronger, but she was also hungry all the time. Hell, she hadn’t even thought twice about sinking her teeth into Dani’s neck.

  Erin spotted a flash of color and walked across the street to investigate. She heard a dog bark and froze when she spotted an elderly gentleman walking his dog. Fuck! I should’ve gone home. Her teeth lengthened inside her mouth, preparing to feed. She wanted to turn around—she needed to go home—but Erin couldn’t force her legs to move toward the coven.

  “Are you okay?” the man asked as he walked closer to her. He looked her up and down, genuine concern showing on his wrinkled face.

  Swallowing hard, Erin started shaking. Her stomach grumbled. “I’m hungry.”

  “Why are you barefoot? Do you live around here?” He looked around as if trying to figure out where she belonged.

  “Don’t move. Turn your head to the side. Show me your neck.” she stated blandly, and the gentleman looked as if he wanted to refuse her request, but couldn’t. He followed her orders, and Erin moved closer. She opened her mouth, flashing fangs.

  “What?!” His eyes turned wild, but he couldn’t move.

  “Don’t do it!” Mikael’s angry voice shouted out.

  “Erin…” Elijah’s gentle voice called out.

  She could hear them but was too focused on the man’s neck to stop what she was doing. His vein fluttered just below the surface, the blood calling to her. She could ignore Mikael and sink her teeth into the man’s neck. She could feed.

  “Erin, don’t you dare bite that man!” he warned, and Erin looked over her shoulder and watched as Mikael strode toward her, a fierce look on his face.

  Both men were dressed in black from head to toe, from long trench coats to combat boots. They looked as if they were going off to war, and they were coming right for her. Erin battled with herself. She didn’t want to feed from this man, but her instincts were pushing her to sink her teeth into the vein.

  “Erin, come to me. You can feed from me.” Mikael strode toward her with his hand held out. “Elijah, erase his memory.”

  “What the hell happened to you?” Elijah jogged behind, concern clearly evident in the man’s voice. He came up to them and moved Erin to the side. Erin knew he was saying something to the older gentleman, but she was too focused on Mikael.

  Just hearing their voices sent hunger pains through her abdomen, and Erin doubled over. “I need to feed,” she whispered. “Please.”

  “Come here, baby.” Mikael opened his arms and Erin ran to him.

  He easily lifted her, and Erin automatically wrapped her legs around his waist. Mikael tilted his head to the side, granting her access. Erin moaned, sinking her fangs into his neck. At the first swallow, the cramps began to ease slightly. The taste of Mikael’s blood caressing her tongue and sliding down her throat made her shift her hips. She moved erotically against Mikael, needing the contact, needing him deep inside of her.

  When the blood hit her stomach, it sent a euphoric sensation through her system as it gave her strength. She groaned as sparks of pleasure raced through her system, making her soaking wet. Oh God! She shivered. Erin fed, swallowing huge mouthfuls until her stomach was full.

  “Jesus,” Mikael sighed. “Take your time, love. We’ve been so worried about you. I could sense the magic in the air, and I thought someone took you from us. I thought we were going to need to fight to get you back. What the hell were you doing with that human?”

  When Mikael sat down suddenly, jostling her, Erin licked his vein closed. She shut her eyes and leaned her head against the man’s shoulder. With her stomach full once more, Erin panted.

  “I almost attacked my friend,” Erin murmured, disgusted with her actions. “I came back here to feed, but I needed to think. That’s when I scented the man walking his dog.”

  “What?” Mikael gently gripped her shoulders, pushing her back until their eyes met. “What happened?”

  “I was sleeping when something told me to go outside. It was Gavin MacDryw. He asked me to go with him to see my friend, Dani.”

  “What if
it had been a trick? Why would you leave the safety of the coven when you’re still new to this world? You can’t feed from anyone but Elijah and I.” Mikael looked at her, and Erin could see true terror in the man’s eyes. “We need to watch you closer.”

  “I’m sorry,” Erin told him honestly. “I wasn’t thinking about the consequences. I honestly just wanted to see my friend. We were talking, and then I started feeling hungry. My stomach…the vein…I didn’t mean to.” She paused as the image of her jumping toward Dani filled her mind once more.

  Sliding off Mikael’s lap, Erin started pacing around the room.

  “It’s okay, love,” Elijah told her gently.

  “No, it’s not.” Erin made a disbelieving sound in the back of her throat. “I literally jumped over a table. A table!” She shouted for emphasis. “And then that man—I couldn’t seem to stop myself. It was like I was possessed.”

  She wanted them to yell at her, to tell her what a bad person she was for leaving the house and trying to feed from her friend. She needed them to lock her up and throw away the key. Groaning, Erin covered her face with her hands. How could she go after her best friend?

  Poor Dani. She probably thinks I’m a monster. And that man…oh God.

  “You’re new to this world, and it can be hard for newly turned vampires to control the hunger. It takes time,” Mikael told her.

  “I was desperate to see my friends, but now I can’t.” Erin shoved her fingers through her hair, shaking her head. “I can’t go outside. I can’t be around anybody.”

  “Love.” Elijah stood up and walked over to her, cupping her face. “It will take some time, but you’ll gain control over yourself. You can still go outside and be in public. We’ll take care of you.”

  “I’m always hungry,” she told him. How could she go outside when she needed to feed constantly?

  “You’re going through a change right now. Your body needs our blood, but eventually, you won’t need to ingest all the time,” Elijah told her. “I am curious, though. You said you almost fed from your friend. How did you stop yourself?”